Parliament staff workshop to complete survey on Parliamentary Control of Public Spending

On Monday 26 November 2018, a Parliament staff workshop on Parliamentary Control of Public Spending was conducted at Parliament House. The workshop was instigated by newly appointed Clerk of Parliament, Mr Tangata Vainerere.

The idea derived following a request of assistance to the Clerk by two Parliamentary staff members, Tai Manavaroa and Tangi Mataio who attended the two weeks course on Corporate Management of Parliament in Suva, Fiji from 3 – 14 September 2018.

Part of the requirement upon completion of the first phase of the course was to complete a survey form on Parliamentary Control of Public Spending.  The 94 questions of the survey focussed on Parliamentary control of public funds in conjunction with the Audit Office.

It involves collecting information from organisations of Audit Institutions and Parliamentary Committee across Asia aiming to identify the best practises which eventually will assist to develop a Parliamentary handbook within the Pacific Association to help Parliaments.

Due to the nature and volume of the questions, it involved extensive discussions and decision makings by staff members.  This is to ensure that the information provided in the survey is precise. The assistance of the Audit Office was also requested as part of the questionnaire relates to their role.

However, due to the unavailability of officials from the Audit Office, the request was conveyed to former Director of Audit, Mr Paul Allsworth who gladly rendered his services.  The exercise was challenging and a lot of thoughts were put in the completion of the final product.  Staff members view the workshop as a beneficial assignment and one that opened the door of opportunity to further learning and understanding.

The combined effort provided by all staff members resulted in the survey being successfully completed.


We would like to acknowledge the great assistance of the Clerk of Parliament, Mr Tangata Vainerere and all staff members in ensuring the completion and success to this survey.  Special acknowledgement also goes to former Director of Audit, Mr Paul Allsworth for providing his wide knowledge and expertise to enable the completion of enquiries relating to the Audit Office in the Cook Islands.
