Parliament staff graduates from McGill University

By Isaac Solomona, Editor of Debates

McGill University Corporate Management of Parliament Course”, Suva, Fiji 3 -14 September.

Two senior staff from the Parliament of the Cook Islands who attended the McGill University of Canada Corporate Management of Parliament course in Suva, Fiji graduated after the two-week intensive training held from 3 -14 September 2018. The two recipients representing the Parliament of the Cook Islands were Tai Manavaroa, Sub-Editor of Debates and Tangi Mataio, Senior Finance Officer.

Both were grateful to be nominated especially the skills and knowledge building on corporate governance and management accountability from international best practices tailored new concepts of learning relevant in the parliamentary context not only for them, also for the 20 plus participants from the 9 Pacific Parliaments from the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu and the Cook Islands.

In essence, this is the first accredited training of its kind to be held in the Pacific by McGill University which is closer to home compared to attending on campus at McGill University in Canada, so many miles away.

I was privileged to be nominated to attend this program and this is the first parliament training I’ve attended overseas. Whilst the 2 weeks program was very intensive, I’m glad there was two of us from the Cook Islands and we supported each other with the training expectations which is very challenging, as some things are done differently in other jurisdictions. A couple had similar issues we currently face, and this course provided an insight how to formally address these, in addition to learning good practices, to select and apply what works best for our own workplace. Otherwise, this was an excellent training course and we both hope to continue to the next phase of this course, says Tangi Mataio.

The UNDP in partnership with the Parliament of the Republic of Fiji implemented the program together with donor partners from the Government of Australia, New Zealand and Japan, focused to strengthening systems of democratic governance and accelerate the capacity of parliamentary staff in all spheres of parliamentary and corporate management levels vital to the executing of their duties in providing support to Members of Parliament and relevant stakeholders.

Both Manavaroa and Mataio looks forward to continuing with another McGill University study in 2019.

Helen Maunga
Deputy Clerk

For media enquiries, contact Mr Tangata Vainerere, Clerk, Parliament of the Cook Islands on phone +682 26509; +682 79396 or email: tangata.vainerere@cookislands.gov.ck
