Parliamentary Select Committee Submission Process 2020

1.  Parliament sometimes needs more information about a topic

Parliament as a Whole can ask a select committee for more information and recommendations about a topic.

2.  We can investigate a topic we believe Parliament needs to know about

As a committee, we can gather information that is relevant and useful for Parliament to know. This information can come from an inquiry or briefing.

3.  We need you to have your say

To help inform Parliament about a topic, a committee sometimes seeks your opinion through public submissions. Your feedback (or evidence) helps Parliament to fully understand the topic and how it affects you.

4.  Find out when you can have your say

To let you know what we are seeking submissions on, we advertise, tell the media, attend radio talkback shows, put information on our Parliament website https://parliament.gov.ck and our Face book page.

5.  Make your submission

Everyone’s submissions are welcome. Your submission tells Parliament what you like, dislike, or would change about a topic. Please send your written submission through to the Committee Secretary via her e-mail (margret@cookislands.gov.ck) or by post; Committee Secretary, (Select Committee Name), PO Box 13, Nikao, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. If you have any questions you can send her an e-mail.

6.  Thanks for your submission!

You’ll get a message from the Committee Secretary to say your submission was received.

7.  We’ll consider what you’ve told us

Once all of the submissions have been received, the members of Parliament on the committee consider what you have said.

8.  Follow the topic

You can follow the topic in the media, on our website and social media. You can also attend an open public meeting. The Committee Secretary will let you know the times and location.

9.  Talk to us

In your submission you can ask to speak to the committee in person. We will contact you with more information if you are selected.

10.  Speaking to the committee

When you speak to the committee, the members of Parliament may want to ask you questions. We are happy for you to bring along extra information to support your opinion.

11.  We share with Parliament what we’ve learnt

Once the committee has reached a conclusion based on everyone’s submissions and official advice, we’ll share our findings and recommendations with Parliament. The topic then goes on to the next stage in Parliament.

12.  We share our report with everyone

The committee’s report, and everything related to it, is put on our website for everyone to see.

  Meitaki Maata