Young Groundsman Leaving

By Isaac Solomona, Editor of Debates

Mata Tipokistarted working for parliament as a casual worker to assist the Audio andVisual Technician, Mr Teui Aihao during the first Sitting of Parliament after the general election in September 2018.

After the sitting of Parliament, he continued to work as the Groundsman for Parliament because there was no one to keep the grounds of parliament clean and tidy.  Mata has informed Parliament right at the beginning of his recruitment as grounds man that he will be leaving Rarotongawith his young family come middle of December to join his parents in NewZealand.

Mata has big plans while he resides in Auckland and that is to take up apprenticeship as a builder and undertake carpentry studies. 

Today the staffof Parliament put on a small get together function to extend their best wishesto young Mata Tipoki.  The Deputy Clerk of Parliament, Helen Maunga gifted Mata shell eis and a hand painted pareu.  This is a gesture of appreciationfor the young man’s dedication in servicing our Parliament.

All the best to Mata and his family.
