- Financial Transactions Reporting Amendment Act 2024
- Cook Islands Investment Corporation Amendment Act 2024
- Manatua Cable Protection Act 2024
- Cook Islands Immigration Amendment Act (No. 2) 2024
- Public Health Act 2024
- Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act 2024
- Seabed Minerals Amendment Act 2024
- Cook Islands Immigration Amendment Act 2024
- Appropriation Amendment Act 2024
- Appropriation Act 2024
Police Amendment Act 2021
Seabed Minerals Amendment Act 2021
COVID-19 (Cook Islands National Superannuation) Act 2021
Agriculture Act 2021
Appropriation Act 2021
COVID-19 (Extension of Duration) Act 2021
Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Act 2021
Constitution Amendment (No. 29) Act 2021
Immigration Act 2021
To Tatou Vai Act 2021
Judicature (Validation of Notification of Land Division Application) Act 2021
Companies Amendment Act 2021
COVID-19 (Extension of Duration and Regulations) Amendment Act 2021
International Relationship Property Trusts Act 2021
Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Act 2021
Cook Islands Immigration Act 2021
Income Tax (Company Residence) Amendment Act 2021
Appropriation Amendment Act 2020
COVID-19 Act 2020
Income Tax Amendment Act 2020
Police (Validation of Reappointment) Act 2020
Transport Amendment Act 2020
COVID-19 Amendment Act 2020
Financial Services Development Amendment Act 2020
Public Expenditure Review Committee and Audit Amendment Act 2020
Customs Legislation Act 2020
Banking Amendment Act 2020
Appropriation Act 2020
Leases Restrictions Amendment Act 2020
Cook Islands Amendment Act 2020
Personal Property Securities Amendment Act 2020
COVID-19 (Island Government Elections) Act 2020
COVID-19 (Cook Islands National Superannuation) Act 2020
Income Tax (Standard Deduction for Individuals) Amendment Act 2020
Seabed Minerals Amendment Act 2020
COVID-19 (Economic Response) Act 2020
COVID-19 (Cook Islands National Superannuation) No. 2 Act 2020
COVID-19 Amendment Act (No 2) 2020
Income Tax (Tax Credit for Small Short-term Accommodation Providers) Amendment Act 2020
Appropriation Amendment Act 2019
Appropriation Act 2019
Welfare Amendment Bill 2019
Justice of the Peace Amendment Act 2018
Seabed Minerals Act 2019
Infrastructure Act 2019
Telecommunication Act 2019
Competition and Regulatory Authority Act 2019
Income Tax Amendment Act 2019
Banking Amendment Act 2019
Insurance Amendment Act 2019
International Companies (Removal of Tax Exemption) Amendment Act 2019
Captive Insurance Amendment Act 2019
Development Investment Amendment Act 2019
Ministry of Corrective Services Act 2019
Ministry of Marine Resources Legislation Act 2019
Cook Islands Investment Corporation Amendment Act 2019
Airport Authority Amendment Act 2019
Bank of Cook Islands Amendment Act 2019
Ports Authority Amendment Act 2019
Te Aponga Uira O Tumu-Te Varovaro Amendment Act 2019
- Control of Prices Amendment Act 2021
48th Session
Maritime Zones Act 2018
Income Tax Amendment Act 2018
Value Added Tax Amendment Act 2018
Customs Tariff Amendment Order 2018, Pages 1-73; Pages 74-161; Pages 162-229
49th Session
Appropriation Act 2018
Welfare Amendment Act 2018
Income Tax Amendment Act 2017
Value Added Tax Amendment Act 2017
Financial Transactions Reporting Act 2017
Financial Intelligence Unit Amendment Act 2017
Terrorism Suppression Amendment Act 2017
Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act 2017
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Amendment Act 2017
Cook Islands National Superannuation Act 2017
Appropriation Act 2017
Marae Moana Act 2017
Family Protection and Support Act 2017
Harassment Act 2017
Justices of the Peace Act 2017
Companies Act 2017, Pages 1-63; Pages 64-201; Pages 202-227
Family Protection and Support (Amendment) Act 2017
Incorporated Societies Amendment Act 2017
Currency Declaration Amendment Act 2017
Financial Transaction Reporting Amendment Act 2017
Personal Property Securities Act 2017
Arms Ordinance Amendment Act 2017
Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment Act 2017
Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Act 2016
Appropriation Act 2016
Transport Amendment Act 2016
Income Tax (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2016
Employment Relations Amendment Act 2015-16
Juries Amendment Act 2016
Customs Revenue and Border Protection Amendment Act 2015-16
Public Service Amendment Act 2015-16
Statistic Act 2015-16
Currency Declaration Act 2015-16
Welfare Amendment Act 2015-16
Appropriation Amendment Act 2012/2013
Companies Amendment Act 2013
Captive Insurance Act 2013
Public Holidays (Ra o te Ui Ariki) Amendment Act 2013
Appropriation Act 2013
Ministry of Health Act 2013
Traditional Knowledge Act 2013
Copyright Act 2013
Financial Institutions (Provision of Customer Information) Act 2013
Banking Amendment Act 2013
Financial Transactions Reporting Amendment Act 2013
International Companies Amendment Act 2013
Foundations Amendment Act 2013
International Partnerships Amendment Act 2013
International Trusts Amendment Act 2013
Limited Liability Companies Amendment Act 2013
Departure Tax Amendment Act 2013
Income Tax Amendment Act 2013
Appropriation Amendment Act 2012
Appropriation Act 2012
Banking Amendment Act 2012
Insurance Amendment Act 2012
Customs Revenue and Border Protection Act 2012, Pages 1 – 78
Customs Tariff Act 2012, Pages 1 – 82
Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Amendment Act 2012
Te Aponga Uira o Tumu-Te-Varovaro Amendment Act 2012
Energy Amendment Act 2012
Departure Tax Act 2012
Foundations Act 2012
Financial Legislation Amendment Act 2012
Te Aponga Uira o Tumu-Te-Varovaro Amendment (No.2) Act 2012
Customs Tariff Amendment Act 2012
Judicature Amendment Act 2012
Police Act 2012
Employment Relations Act 2012
Education Act 2012
Financial Services Development Amendment Act 2012
Island Government Act 2012
Appropriation Amendment Act 2011
Insurance Amendment Act 2011
Appropriation Act 2011
Public Holidays (Ra o te Ui Ariki) Amendment Act 2011
House of Ariki Amendment Act 2011
Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols Amendment Act 2011
Income Tax Amendment Act 2011
Cluster Munitions Act 2011
Land Agents Registration Amendment Act 2011
Income Tax Amendment (No. 2) Act 2011
Digital Registers Act 2011
Judicature Amendment Act 2011
Leases Restrictions Amendment At 2011
Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone (Amendment) Act 2011
- Banking Act 2011
Official Information Amendment Act 2009
Land Agents Registration Act 2009
Arbitration Act 2009
Narcotics and Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act 2009
Infants Amendment Act 2009
Penrhyn (Naharakura Lease) Facilitation Amendment Act 2009
Income Tax (Sponsorship Deductions) Amendment Act 2009
Appropriation Amendment (No. 3) Act 2009
Financial Services Development Act 2009
Money Changing and Remittance Businesses Act 2009
Cook Islands Pearl Authority Amendment Act 2009
Public Service Act 2009
Appropriation Act 2009
Trustee Companies Amendment Act 2009
Insurance Amendment Act 2009
Seabed Minerals Act 2009
Constitution Amendment (No. 28) Act 2009
Spam Act 2008
Official Information Act 2008
Entry, Residence and Departure (Amendment) Act 2008
Maritime Transport Act 2008
Transport Amendment Act 2008
Films and Censorship Amendment Act 2008
Limited Liability Companies Act 2008
Transport Amendment (No. 2) Act 2008
Law Practitioners’ Amendment Act 2008
Disability Act 2008
Insurance Act 2008
Appropriation Act 2008
Appropriation Amendment Act 2008
Biosecurity Act 2008
Aviation Security Act 2008
Transport Amendment (No. 3) Act 2008
2009 Pacific Mini Games Act 2008
Judicature Amendment Act 2008
Development Investment Amendment Act 2008
Small Claims Tribunal Act 2008
Consumer Guarantees Act 2008
Fair Trading Act 2008
Appropriation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2008
Income Tax Amendment Act 2008
Departure Tax Amendment Act 2008
House of Arikis Amendment Act 2008
Bank of the Cook Islands Amendment Act 2007
- Unit Title Amendment Act 2007
- Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Act 2007
International Companies (Amendment) Act 2007
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2007
Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act 2007
- Marriage Amendment Act 2007
Airport Authority (Amendment) Act 2007
Civil List Amendment Act 2007
International Companies (Amendment) (No.2) Act 2007
Income Tax Amendment Act 2007
CIDB Former Loans Limited Dissolution Act 2007
- Legislation Commencement Act 2007
- Ship Registration Act 2007
- Unit Title Amendment Act 2007
- Prevention of Juvenile Crimes Amendment Act 2007
Financial Transactions Reporting (Amendment) Act 2007
Cook Islands Tourism Marketing Corporation Amendment Act 2007
- Tobacco Products Control Amendment (No. 2) Act 2007
Appropriation Act 2007
Judicature Amendment Act 2007
- Prevention of Juvenile Crimes Amendment (No. 2) Act 2007
Electoral Amendment Act 2007
Development Investment Amendment Act 2007
Aviation Offences Amendment Act 2007
Gaming Amendment Act 2007
Law Commission Act 2007
Crimes Amendment Act 2007
- Rarotonga Local Goevrnment (Repeal)
- Tobacco Products Control (Repeal)
- Terrorism Suppression Amendment Act 2007
- Transport Amendment Act 2007
Disaster Risk Management Act 2007
- Nuclear Test Ban Act 2007
Anti-Personnel Mines Act 2007
Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act 2007
Appropriation Amendment Act 2007
Appropriation Amendment Act 2005
Bank of the Cook Islands Amendment Act 2005
Currency Amendment Act 2005
Appropriation Amendment (No.2) Act 2005
Appropriation Act 2005
Te Pakau Aroa Act 2005
Marine Resources Act 2005
International Companies Amendment Act 2005
Appropriation Amendment Act 2005
Departure Tax Act 2005
Income Tax Amendment Act 2005
Vallue Added Tax Amendment Act 2005
Food Amendment Act 2005
Civil List Act 2005
Remuneration Tribunal Act 2005
Leases Restrictions Amendment Act 2005
Unit Titles Act 2005
Admiralty Act 2004
Aviation Offences Amendment Act 2004
Appropriation Amendment Act 2004
Banking Amendment Act 2004
Crimes Amendment Act 2004
International Partnership Amendment Act 2004
International Trusts Amendment Act 2004
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Amendment Act 2004
Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act 2004
Terrorism Suppression Act 2004
Electoral Act 2004
Outer Islands Local Government Amendment Act 2004
Public Health Act 2004
International Companies Amendment Act 2004
Legal Aid Act 2004
Financial Transactions Reporting Act 2004
Narcotics and Misuse of Drugs Act 2004
Income Tax Amendment Act 2004
Development Investment Amendment Act 2004
Appropriation Act 2004
Constitution Amendment (No. 27) Act 2004
Te Reo Maori Act 2003
United Nations (Security Council Resolutions) Act 2003
Income Tax Amendment Act 2003
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2003
International Companies Amendment Act 2003
Crimes Amendment Act 2003
Banking Act 2003
Extradition Act 2003
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2003
Financial Transactions Reporting Act 2003
Financial Supervisory Commission Act 2003
Proceeds of Crime Act 2003
Members of Parliament Superannuation Act 2003
Appropriation Act 2003
Constitution Amendment (No. 26) Act 2003
– Blank –
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Amendment Act 2003
Financial Supervisory Commission Amendment Act 2003
Proceeds of Crime Amendment Act 2003
Education Amendment Act 2003
Bank of the Cook Islands Act 2003
Environment Act 2003
Private Act: Cook Islands Church Incorporation Amendment Act 2003
Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols Act 2002
Cook Islands Red Cross Society Act 2002
Appropriation Amendment Act 2002
Income Tax (Annual 1995 and 1996) Act 2002
Leases Restrictions Amendment Act 2002
Civil Aviation Act 2002
Appropriation Act 2002
Constitution Amendment (No. 25) Act 2002
Value Added Tax Amendment Act 2002
Income Tax Amendment Act 2002
Cook Islands Industrial Labour and Ordinance Amendment Act 2002
Civil List Amendment Act 2000
Electoral Amendment Act 2000
Judicature Amendment Act 2000
Prevention of Juvenile Crime Amendment Act 2000
Companies Amendment Act 2000
Appropriation Amendment Act 2000
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 2000
Transport Amendment Act 2000
Criminal Justice Amendment Act 2000
Public Service Amendment Act 2000
Appropriation Act 2000
Dogs Registration Amendment Act 2000
Marriage Amendment Act 2000
Outer Island Local Government Amendment Act 2000
Ministry of Outer Islands Development (Repeal) Act 2000
Money Laundering Prevention Act 2000
Cook Islands National Superannuation Act 2000
Privy Council (Judicial Committee) Amendment (Repeal) Act 2000
Cook Islands Investment Corporation Amendment Act 2000
Cook Islands Shipping Licence Ordinance Amendment Act 2000
Shipping Amendment Act 2000
Victims of Offences Act 1999
Prisons Amendment Act 1999
International Trusts Amendment Act 1999
Constitution Amendment (No 23) Act 1999
Companies Amendment Act 1999
Appropriation Amendment Act 1999
Electoral Amendment Act 1999
Cook Islands Investment Corporation Amendment Act 1999
Ports Authority Amendment Act 1999
Airport Authority Amendment Act 1999
Cook Islands Development Bank Amendment Act 1999
Te Aponga Uira O Tumu-Te-Varovaro Amendment Act 1999
Cook Islands Government Property Corporation Amendment Act 1999
Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust Act 1999
International Partnership Act 1999
Appropriation Act 1999
Public Holidays Act 1999
Rarotonga Environment Amendment Act 1999
Electoral Amendment (No. 2) Act 1999
International Shipping Act 1999
Appropriation Amendment Act 1998
Te Aponga Uira O Tumu-Te-Varovaro Amendment Act 1998
Cook Islands Investment Corporation Act 1998
Port Authority Amendment Act 1998
Prevention of Marine Pollution Act 1998
Appropriation Act 1998
Carriage of Goods Act 1998
Judicature Amendment Act 1998
Incorporated Societies Amendment Act 1998
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 1998
Marriage Amendment Act 1998
Offshore Financial Services Act 1998
- Cook Islands Investment Corporation Amendment Act 1998
Electoral Act 1998
Rarotonga Local Government Amendment Act 1998
Rarotonga Environment Amendment Act 1998
- Shipping Act 1998
Energy Act 1998
Income Tax Amendment Act 1998
Value Added Tax Amendment Act 1998
- Cook Islands Marketing Corporation Act 1998
Housing Corporation (Abolition) Act 1997
Constitution Amendment (No. 20) Act 1997
Constitution Amendment (No. 21) Act 1997
Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Amendment Act 1997
Income Tax Amendment Act 1997
Civil List Amendment Act 1997
Shipping Registry Amendment Act 1997
Broadcasting Amendment Act 1997
Gaming Amendment Act 1997
Rarotonga Local Government Act 1997
Value Added Tax Act 1997
Income Tax Act 1997
Telecommunications Amendment Act 1997
Appropriation Amendment Act 1996-1997
Cook Islands Government Property Corporation Amendment Act 1997
Importation of Motor Vehicles (South Pacific Forum) Act 1997
Constitution Amendment (No. 22) Act 1997
Appropriation Act 1997
Broadcasting Amendment (No.2) Act 1997
Value Added Tax Amendment Act 1997
Income Tax Amendment (No. 2) Act 1997
Incorporated Societies Amendment Act 1997
Prevention of Juvenile Crime Amendment Act 1997
Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment Act 1995
Crown Law Office Amendment Act 1995
Transport Amendment Act 1995
Air Services Licensing Amendment Act 1995
Outer Islands Local Government Amendment Act 1995
Appropriation Act 1995
Ministry of Outer Islands Development Amendment At 1995
Constitution Amendment (No. 18) Act 1995-96
Public Service Act 1995-96
Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment Act 1995-96
Civil List Amendment Act 1995-96
Meteorological Services Act 1995-96
Tourist Authority (Repeal) Act 1995-96
Appropriation Amendment Act 1995-96
Public Expenditure Review Committee and Audit Act 1995-96
Sale of Liquor Amendment Act 1995-96
General Licensing Authority (Repeal) Act 1995-96
Ministry of Health Act 1995-96
Appropriation Act 1995-96
Ministry of Social Services (Repeal) Act 1995-96
Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Act 1995-96
Development Investment Act 1995-96
Prisons Amendment Act 1995-96
Criminal Justice Amendment Act 1995-96
International Trusts Amendment Act 1995-96
Offshore Industry (Criminal Provisions) Act 1995-96
Trustee Companies Amendment Act 1995-96
Cook Islands Amendment Act 1995-96
Offshore Banking Amendment Act 1995-96
International Trusts Amendment (No. 2) Act 1995-96
International Companies Amendment Act 1995-96
Cook Islands Amendment (No. 2) Act 1995-96
Constitution Amendment (No. 19) Act 1995-96
Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment (No. 3) Act 1995-96
Property Law Amendment Act 1995-96
Cook Islands Amendment (No. 3) Act 1995-96
Te Aponga Uira O Tumu-Te-Varovaro Amendment Act 1994
General Licensing Authority Amendment Act 1994
Income Tax (Annual 1994) Act 1994
Appropriation Amendment Act 1994
Welfare Amendment Act 1994
Ministry of Cultural Development Amendment Act 1994
Cook Islands Amendment Act 1994
Crimes Amendment Act 1994
Ministry of Health Amendment Act 1994
Airport Authority Amendment Act 1994
Incorporated Societies Act 1994
Transport Amendment Act 1994
Ministry of Outer Islands Development Act 1994
Land and Income Tax Repealed Act 1994
International Departure Tax Amendment Act 1994
Shipping Registry Amendment Act 1994
Transfer of Offenders Act 1994
Declaratory Judgement Act 1994
Cook Islands Monetary Board Amendment Act 1994
Appropriation Act 1994
Income Tax Amendment Act 1994
Turnover Tax Amendment Act 1994
Religious Organisation Restriction Amendment Act 1994
Outer Islands Local Government Amendment Act 1994-95
Insurance Law Reform Act 1994-95
Secret Commissions Act 1994-95
General Licensing Authority Amendment Act 1994-95
Sale of Liquor Amendment Act 1994-95
Income Tax Amendment Act 1994-95
Port Authority Act 1994-95
Currency Amendment Act 1994-95
Crown Law Amendment Act 1994-95
Appropriation Amendment Act 1994-95
Crimes Amendment Act 1994-95
Police Amendment Act 1994-95
Income Tax Amendment (No. 17) Act 1994-95
Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Amendment Act 1994-95
Antiquities and Artifacts Act 1994-95
Rarotonga Environment Act 1994-95
Cultural and Historic Places Act 1994-95
Companies Amendment Act 1993
Palmerston Island Local Government Act 1993
Electoral Amendment Act 1993
Outer Islands Local Government Act 1993
Defamation Act 1993
Cook Islands Pearl Authority Act 1993
Radio on Ships Ordinance Repeal Act 1993
Appropriation Act 1993
Constitutional and Other Polls Act 1993
Constitution Amendment (No. 15) Act 1993
Private Import Tax Amendment Act 1993
Constitution Amendment (No. 16) Act 1993-94
Electoral Amendment (No. 2) Act 1993-94
Noise Control Amendment Act 1993-94
Law Practitioners Act 1993-94
Ministry of Cultural Development Amendment Act 1993-94
Trading Hours Act 1993-94
Appropriation Act 1992
Shipping License Ordinance Amendment Act 1992
Stamps Duties Amendment Act 1992
Dogs Registration Amendment Act 1992
Transport Amendment 1992 Act 1992
Notaries Public Act 1992
Cook Is. Development Bank Amendment Act 1992
Education Amendment Act 1992
Cook Islands Shipping Licence Ordinance Amendment (No. 2) Act 1992
Constitution Amendment (No. 13) Act 1992
Telecommunications Amendment Act 1992
Penrhyn (Naharakura Lease) Facilitation Act 1992
Appropriation Amendment Act 1992
Income Tax (Annual 1993) Act 1992-93
Transport Amendment Act 1992-93
Aponga Uira O Tumu-Te-Varovaro Amendment Act 1992-93
Ministry of Health Amendment Act 1992-93
Legislative Service Amendment Act 1992-93
Private Import Tax Amendment Act 1992-93
Privy Council (Judicial Committee) Amendment Act 1992-93
Appropriation Amendment (No. 2) Act 1992-93
Notaries Public Amendment Act 1992-93
Food Act 1992-93
Visiting Forces Act 1992-93
Marine Resources Amendment Act 1991
Building Controls and Standards Act 1991
Income Tax (Annual 1991) Act 1991
Public Service Amendment Act 1991
Criminal Records Act 1991
Ministry of Health Act 1991
Judicature Amendment Act 1991
Dogs Registration Amendment Act 1991
Public Service Amendment (No. 2) Act 1991
Development Investment Amendment (No. 1) Act 1991
Post Office Amendment Act 1991
Telecommunications Act 1991
Cable and Wireless PLC (External Telecommunications Agreement) Termination and Compulsory Acquisition Act 1991
Appropriation Amendment Act 1991
Development Investment Amendment (No. 2) Act 1991
Ministry of Energy Act 1991
Te Aponga Uira O Tumu-Te-Varovaro Act 1991
Shipping Ordinance Amendment Act 1991
Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment Act 1991
International Companies Amendment Act 1991
Constitution Amendment (No. 14) Act 1991
Electoral Amendment Act 1991
Bank of the Cook Islands Act 1991
Ombudsman Amendment Act 1991
Public Money and Stores Amendment Act 1991
Appropriation Act 1991
Criminal Records Amendment Act 1991
Judicature Amendment (No. 2) Act 1991
Finance (Asian Development Bank) Act 1991
Income Tax Amendment Act 1991
International Companies Amendment Act (No. 2) Act 1991
International Trust Amendment Act 1991
Income Tax (Annual 1992) Act 1991-92
Welfare Amendment Act 1991-92
Gaming (Tattersalls) Amendment Act 1991-92
Matrimonial Property Act 1991-92
Turnover Tax Amendment Act 1991-92
Business Development Fund Repeal Act 1991-92
Sale of Liquor Act 1991-92
Appropriation Amendment Act 1991-92
Public Money and Stores Amendment Act 1990
Liquor Licensing Amendment Act 1990
Appropriation Act 1990
International Companies Amendment Act 1990
Marine Resources Amendment Act 1990
Shipping Licence Ordinance Amendment Act 1990
Ministry of Cultural Development Act 1990
Outer Islands Local Government Amendment Act 1990
Cancellation, Suspension, and Bar of Registration Act 1990
Income Tax Amendment Act 1990
Cook Islands Monetary Board Amendment Act 1990
Civil List Amendment Act 1990
Public Service Amendment Act 1990
Development Investment Amendment Act 1990
Income Tax (Annual 1988) Act 1989
Aitutaki Motus Prohibition of Leases Amendment Act 1989
Trustee Companies Amendment Act 1989
Outer Islands Local Government Amendment Act 1989
Higher Salaries Commission Act 1989
Tourist Authority Amendment Act 1989
Education Amendment Act 1989
Public Moneys and Stores Amendment Act 1989
Currency Reserves Amendment Act 1989
General Licencing Authority Act 1989
Electoral Amendment Act 1989
Welfare Act 1989
Airport Authority Amendment Act 1989
Commission of Inquiry Amendment Act 1989
Crown Law Office Amendment Act 1989
Stamp Duties Amendment Act 1989
Air Services Licensing Act 1989
Gaming Amendment Act 1989
Waterfront Industry Amendment Act 1989
Appropriation Act 1989
Public Holidays Amendment Act 1989
International Companies Amendment Act 1989
International Trusts Amendment Act 1989
Housing Corporation Act 1989
Appropriation (Westpac Loan) Act 1989
Off-Shore Banking Amendment Act 1989
Tourist Authority Amendment Act 1989
Broadcasting Act 1989
Income Tax (Annual 1989) Act 1989
Income Tax Amendment Act 1989
International Trusts Amendment (No. 2) Act 1989
Shipping Registry Amendment Act 1989
Marine Resources Act 1989
Telecommunications Act 1989
Crown Law Office Amendment Act 1989-90
Income Tax Amendment Act 1989-90
Appropriation Amendment Act 1989-90
Appropriation (Westpac Loan) Act 1989-90
Banking Amendment Act 1989-90
Income Tax (Annual 1990) Act 1989-90
Rarotonga Motus (Prohibition of Leases) Amendment Act 1989-90
Income Tax Amendment Act 1988
Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment Act 1988
Appropriation Act 1988
Re-use of Bottles Act 1988
Electoral Amendment Act 1988
International Companies Amendment Act 1988
Shipping Licence Amendment Act 1988
Liquor Licensing Act 1988
Rarotonga Local Government Act 1988
Illegal Contracts Act 1987
Public Moneys and Stores Act 1987
Tobacco Products Control Act 1987
Criminal Justice Amendment Act 1987
Transport Amendment Act 1987
Income Tax Amendment Act 1987
Currency Reserves Act 1987
Trustee Companies Amendment Act 1987
Off-Shore Insurance Amendment Act 1987
Cook Islands Government Property Corporation Amendment Act 1987
Crown Law Office Amendment Act 1987
Appropriation Act 1987
Hire Purchase Amendment Act 1987
Turnover Tax Amendment Act 1987
Companies Amendment Act 1987
Income Tax Amendment (No. 2) Act 1987
Unauthorised Expenditure Validation Act 1987
Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment Act 1987
Income Tax (Annual 195-86) Act 1987
Income Tax (Annual 1987) Act 1987
Motor Vehicles Dealers Amendment Act 1987
Pesticides Act 1987
Civil List Amendment Act 1987
Planning and Economic Development Act 1987
Outer Islands Local Government Act 1987
International Companies Amendment Act 1987
Shipping Registry Amendment Act 1987
Waterfront Industry Amendment Act 1987
Primary Produce Federation Amendment Act 1987
- Acts Interpretation Amendment No.18
- Air Services Licensing No.16
- Animals Amendment No.25
- Appropriation No.2
- Business Development Fund No.10
- Civil List No.3
- Companies Amendment No.17
- Cook Islands Development Bank Amendment No.23
- Cook Islands Government Property Corporation Amendment No.5
- Dangerous Goods No.21
- Electoral Amendment No.28
- Entry Residence and Departure Amendment No.27
- Income Tax (Annual 1984) No.12
- Innkeepers No.1
- International Departure Tax No.22
- International Partnerships No.13
- International Trusts No.14
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs No.9
- Ministry of Health No.19
- Ministry of Marine Resources No.15
- Off-Shore Banking Amendment No.30
- Ombudsman No.8
- Outer Islands Local Government Amendment No.6
- Pearl and Pearl-Shell (Penrhyn Privy Council (Judical Committee) No.20
- Public Records No.7
- Stamp Duties Amendment No.4
- Transport Amendment No.24
- Turnover Tax Amendment No.26
- Welfare Tax No.11
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.3
- Appropriation No.1
- Constitution Amendment (No.11) No.2
- Cook Islands Amendment No.4
- Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons and Hostages) No.6
- Electoral Amendment No.7
- Finance (Asian Development Bank and Telephone Exchange) No.5
- Pearl and Pearl-Shell (Penrhyn, Rakahanga and Manihiki Lagoons) No.8
- Ùnauthorised Expenditure Validation No.9
- Appropriation Amendment No.19
- Civil List Amendment (No.2) No.22
- Constitution Amendment (No.10) No.20
- Cook Islands Monetary Board No.18
- International Companies No.26
- Off-Shore Insurance No.28
- Rarotonga Entertainment Tax Amendment No.24
- Rarotonga Motus Prohibition of Leases No.21
- Stamp Duties Amendment No.25
- The National Arts Council No.29
- Trustee Companies No.27
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.11
- Aitutakis Motus Prohibition of Leases Amendment No.5
- Animals Amendment No.14
- Appropriation No.1
- Civil List Amendment No.9
- Crimes Amendment No.17
- Criminal Justice Amendment No.12
- Distillation Amendment No.8
- Income Tax (Annual 1979, 1980, 1981) No.2
- Judicature Amendment No.6
- Liquor Control Amendment No.3
- Medical and Dental Practices Amendment No.13
- Off-Shore Banking No.16
- Outer Islands Development (Accommodation Levy) No.15
- Police No.7
- Prisons Amendment No.10
- Turnover Tax Amendment No.4
- Appropriation Amendment No.23
- Constitution Amendment (No.9) No.24
- Criminal Procedure No.28
- Decimal Currency Amendment No.29
- Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment No.25
- Judicature No.27
- Medical Research Trust (Termination) No.21
- Public Service Amendment (No.2) No.22
- Public Service Amendment (No.3) No.26
- Accommodation Levy Abolition No.11
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.19
- Appropriation No.13
- Cable and Wireless Limited (Limitation of Liability) No.15
- Civil List Amendment No.20
- Cook Islands Amendment No.18
- Cook Islands Development Bank Amendment No.5
- Crown Law Office No.16
- Customs Tariff No.14
- Income Tax Amendment (No.2) No.8
- Income Tax Amendment No.2
- Income Tax Amendment No.10
- New Zealand Representative No.1
- Outer Islands Local Government Amendment No.4
- Overseas Exchange Fees Amendment No.12
- Primary Producers Federation No.17
- Public Service Amendment No.3
- Rarotonga Harbour Charges and Fees Amendment No.9
- Rehearing of Te Puna Lands No.1
- Turnover Tax No.6 Use Tax No.7
- Accommodation Levy No.23
- Apprenticeship No.16
- Appropriation Amendment No.20
- Civil List Amendment No.14
- Constitution Amendment (No.8) No.22
- Cook Islands Amendment No.19
- Cook Islands Ensign Amendment No.26
- Decimal Currency Amendment No.15
- Distillation No.25
- Import Levy Amendment No.18
- Income Tax Surcharge Amendment No.21
- Overseas Exchange Fees Amendment No.17
- Time Amendment No.24
- Appropriation No.8
- Child Benefits No.9
- Cook Islands Development Bank No.11
- Cook Islands Industrial Labour Ordinances Amendment No.10
- Decimal Currency Amendment No.3
- Housing Amendment No.2
- Housing Corporation of the Cook Islands No.12
- Income Tax (Annual 1977) No.6
- Income Tax Surcharge No.7
- Law Practitioners No.4
- Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries No.13
- Overseas Representative No.1
- Time No.5
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.11
- Aitutaki Wharf Regulations Revocation No.18
- Appropriation No.12
- Arms Ordinance Amendment No.4
- Civil List Amendment No.8
- Civil List Amendment No.13
- Continental Shelf Amendment No.17
- Crimes Amendment No.14
- Customs Act Amendment No.5
- Development Investment No.21
- Diesel Road Tax Ordinance Repeal No.1
- Import Levy Amendment No.7
- Income Tax (Annual 1976) No.10
- Income Tax Amendment No.9
- Medical and Dental Practices Amendment No.2
- Ministry of Planning and External Affairs No.20
- Primary Produce Marketing Board Amendment Act No.15
- Public Service Amendment No.19
- Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone No.16
- Transport Amendment No.3
- Workers’ Compensation Ordinance Amendment No.6
Accordion Content
- Overseas Representative No.1
- Advocate General Amendment No.8
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.1
- Animals No.21
- Appropriation No.19
- Asian Bank No.14
- Civil List Amendment No.11
- Conservation Act No.16
- Constitution Amendment (No.7) No.17
- Decimal Currency Amendment No.7
- Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment No.25
- Import Levy Amendment No.13
- Income Tax (Annual 1974) No.6
- Income Tax Amendment No.5
- Income Tax Exemption (New Zealand Army Personnel) No.2
- Income Tax Surcharge No.20
- Loan Authorisation No.15
- National Development Corporation No.9
- Overseas Exchange Fees No.24
- Public Moneys Amendment No.18
- Public Service No.10
- Rarotonga Entertainment Act No.23
- Religious Organizations Restrictions No.3
- Transport Amendment No.22
- Trochus No.4
- Appropriation No.44
- Civil List Amendment No.26
- Cook Islands Amendment No.30
- Cook Islands Industrial and Labour Ordinance Amendment No.38
- Crash, Fire, Rescue and Security Services (Protection Against Liability) No.40
- Customs Order Confirmation No.32
- Department of Electric Power Supply No.37
- Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment No.24
- Import Levy Amendment No.33
- Land (Facilitation of Dealings) Amendment No.25
- Local Government Amendment No.45
- Ministry of Economic Services and Natural Resources No.41
- Ministry of Labour and Commerce No.27
- Ministry of Social Servies No.35
- Ministry of Supportive Services No.36
- Pool Tables Licensing Amendment No.31
- Premier’s Department No.39
- Rarotonga Harbour Charges and Fees No.43
- Transport Licensing Amendment No.34
- Waterfront Industry No.42
- Weights and Measures Metric Equivalents No.29
- Workers Compensation Ordinance Amendment No.28
- Appropriation No.2
- Aviation Offences No.15
- Births and Deaths Registration No.7
- Civil List Amendment No.3
- Constitution Amendment (No.6) No.1
- Control of Prices Amendment No.13
- Cook Islands Ensign No.19
- Crimes Amendment No.5
- Decimal Currency Amendment (No.2) No.17
- Decimal Currency Amendment No.14
- Finance No.18
- Hurricane Safety No.4
- Income Tax (Annual 1972) No.9
- Land (Facilitation of Dealing) Amendment No.11
- Marriage No.6
- New Zealand Laws (No.2) No.23
- New Zealand Laws No.8
- Plants No.21
- Public Service Amendment No.10
- Salaries of Judges Amendment No.20
- Stamp Duties Amendment No.22
- Statistics Amendment No.12
- Totalizator No.16
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.5
- Appropriation No.1
- Code of Civil Procedure of the High Court (page 1-102) No.12
- Code of Civil Procedure of the High Court (pg 103-onwards) No.12
- Crime Amendment No.4
- Entry, Residence and Departure Amendment No.15
- Finance No.2
- House of Ariki Amendment No.7
- Import Levy No.9
- Income Tax (Annual 1973) No.17
- Pool Tables Licensing No.10
- Primary Produce Marketing Board Amendment (No.2) No.14
- Primary Produce Marketing Board Amendment No.6
- Public Service Amendment No.13
- Rarotonga Waterworks Amendment No.3
- Race Relations No.8
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief Amendment No.1
- Companies Amendment No.5
- Control of Prices Amendment No.3
- Customs (Validation of Tariff) No.8
- Electoral Amendment No.11
- Entry, Residence and Departure No.2
- Harbour Control No.4
- Local Government Admt No.12
- Local Government Amendment No.12
- Primary Produce Marketing Board Amendment No.10
- Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labour Ordinance Amendment No.6
- Regulations No.9
- Salaries of Judges Amendment No.13
- Stamp Duties No.7
Accordion Content
- Airports and Airport Authorities No.20
- Civil Aviation Agreement No.19
- Civil List Amendment No.22
- Constitution Amendment (No.2) No.27
- Constitution Amendment No.17
- Cook Islands Amendment No.25
- Education Amendment No.26
- Exchange Control Regulations Amendment No.23
- Legislative Assembly Powers and Privileges Amendment No.18
- Appropriation No.13
- Building Controls and Standards No.11
- Civil List No.12
- Cook Islands Amendment No.15
- Cook Islands Christian Church Incorporation
- No.1 (Private)
- Government Loans and Contracts No.5
- Income Tax Ordinance Amendment No.10
- Juries No.3
- Law Reform No.16
- Local Government Amendment No.2
- New Zealand Laws No.7
- Prevention of Juvenile Crime No.8
- Short Titles Amendment No.6
- Tourist Authority No.9
- Vesting of Part Kotukutea Section No.3,
- No.14
- Wandering Stock Amendment No.1
- Evidence No.4
- Government Loans and Contracts No.5
- Income Tax Ordinance Amendment No.10 Juries No.3
- Law Reform No.16
- Local Government Amendment No.2
- Aged, Destitute and Infirm Persons Relief No.5
- Appropriation No.10
- Census No.1
- Cinetomagraph Ordinance Amendment No.18
- Civil List Ordinance Amendment No.23
- Commissions of Inquiry No.14
- Control of Prices No.6
- Cook Islands Co-Operative Societies Regulations 1953 Amendment No.16
- Cook Islands Entry and Departure
- Ordinance Amendment No.19
- Cook Islands Ordinance Amendment No.2
- Education No.17
- Electoral Act No. 3
- Electoral Amendment No.20
- House of Arikis No.4
- Income Tax Ordinance Amendment No.12
- Local Government Amendment No.15
- Local Government No.9
- New Zealand Laws No.8
- Public Service Amendment No.22
- Short Term Crop Leases No.11
- Statistics No.21
- The Sales Tax Ordinance AmendmentNo.13
- Transport No.7