Newly elected CPA Small Branches Chairperson speaks of the pressing need of small Legislatures within the Commonwealth to come together to address common difficulties and strengths and share experiences of their Parliaments

The newly-elected Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches, Hon Niki Rattle, Speaker of the Parliament of the Cook Islands pledged that the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) would have a strengthened and renewed focus on assisting Small Branches and their Parliaments and Legislatures. The Members of the CPA attending the 37th CPA Small Branches Conference elected the […]

Commonwealth Parliamentarians to address global issues and the evolution of parliamentary democracy at 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Uganda

One of the largest annual gatherings of Commonwealth Parliamentarians will take place this week at the 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) hosted by the CPA Uganda Branch and the Parliament of Uganda. The annual flagship event will bring together over 500 Parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and decision makers from across the Commonwealth for this unique conference and networking opportunity. […]

REQUEST FOR TENDER (RFT) – Technical Assistance service to prepare a Terms of Reference for the Consolidation of Laws Project – RFT: CK181932

Parliamentary Services, with support from Crown Law Office, wishes to obtain a Technical Assistance service for the first phase of the consolidation of laws in the Cook Islands on behalf of the Cook Islands Government. Document 1: Newspaper Advertisement – 10 July 2019 Document 2: Request for Tender – 10 July 2019 Document 3: Notice to Tenderers – […]